The fourth industrial revolution is linked to digitalization production processes by means of TICs and IoTs as well as new materials. Now the cyberphisical systems are the main issues being possible personalized mass production.
Industry 4.0 is a fusion between virtual and real world. Machines become indepent and autonomous and can be reprogramm themselves to more fast and easy reach market demands. Furthermore all this information is fully evailable on real time in all production areas.
Products are software tested and arrive to the market improving 50% speed with similar quality control. Double digital product simulation allow to test several designs in the production chain.
This increase by Exabytes de amount of information expecting to reach up to 15.000 exabytes by 2020. For this we require extremly powerful systems capable of processing such amount of data to be able to obtain relevant information from it.
An quick and intelligent data analysis of sensors of actuators are required
Factories are getting fused and automatized allowing machines to rearange by themselves in an intelligent manner. On this environment man intelligence is over it, Ideas and functions come from humans.
This is well understood in the Industry 4.0 but it is totally disregarded in Health 4.0.
The amount of standardized processed and data and patients are imposible to be absorved by a healthcare system based on people personal work. No one is capable to face all medical innovation capable to influence peoples’s health, no one is capable to reduce waiting list, no one is capable to make decisions based on prior Artificial Intelligence analysis of all possible health data. No one want to take care of the data coming from IoT of users for health purposes, no ones is capable to fuse for the benefit of patients data coming from genetics, microbiomics, pharmacocinetics, epigenomics, image analysis data etc…
Medicine is stack with the massive new coming relevant data that specialialization requires super and extrasuper specialized people.
Machine Learning and deep learning techniques are now democratized, open source, easy to incoorporate to regular computer but the healthcare worker not only do not follow AI innovations but they fear it, blocking the possibility to speed up hospital management, follow up patients 24 hours a day, preventing complications, indicating treatment, finding solutions and relevant coincidences that could improve health, life and patients treatment in an efficient manner.
Anonimized hospital data is not shared. And personal data that belong to users for its own benefit is not used at all.
Huge changes have to be introduced in Medical training and techniques of what to do with data and how to take benefit of it is an essential one.
Virtual medicine and ubiquitous health support is the base of Health 4.0.
Why no-one is changing the way to provide health?
1.- http://www.ciudadesdelfuturo.es/5-preguntas-industria-4-0.php
2.- Health 4.0. http://catai.net/blog/2016/06/health-4-0-and-industry-4-0/
3.- MedTech
5.- http://www.nasdaq.com/article/how-alibaba-is-using-artificial-intelligence-in-healthcare-cm815551