BigBang Disruption. The essence of REVERSE INNOVATION.

Since many years we have been focused in REVERSE INNOVATION meaning low cost devices proved to be effective in developing countries to solve health problems with very low investment. See (1) and (2)

Now the consulting firm Accenture has given us the right. It has started the Big Bang disruption on technology. It is different not just in speed but in kind from traditional forms of innovation. It is defined by three unique characteristics that drive radical new approaches to strategymarketing, and product development. Together, these features of Big Bang Disruption create new ecosystems, more adaptable and resilient to future disruption than older supply chains.

This change on the paradigm require that Universities stay on the wave and radically change their premises.

Do not forget that we are now aproaching the phase of obsolescence of most of the technological devices that will imply not the classical 20% renewal per year but a drastic change of the major part of the technologies to be adapted to green economy, size reduction, massive storage, connectivity, interaction, speed  and telecomm changes.

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