I never copy a post, but in this case the one posted in DIGITAL HEALTH is excelent and I am going to copy almost completly because it includes a list of the relevant tools for e-Dg in cardiovascular, ENT, Pulmonary, Dermatology, to Gynecology exams. Some of them have already been mention in previous posts or in pinterest or even in the Store, but in any case I include here the complete entry
CARDIOVASCULAR EXAM: From the digital stethoscope, to low-cost, pocket sized ultrasounds and smart-phone connected electrocardiograms, the ability to conduct, record and analyze the heart

Eko CORE Digital Stethoscope
Enhances auscultation through amplification, Active Noise Cancellation, and software. Wirelessly connect to the Eko App to visualize, record and save sounds for further analysis, or securely share them for a second opinion. Pair with several telemedicine platforms for auscultation live streaming. More

3M Littman Digital Stethoscope
The 3M™ Littmann Electronic Stethoscope Model 3200 combines Ambient Noise Reduction technology and frictional noise dampening features with amplification, Bluetooth technology, and an all-new user interface, for the next level of performance and ease of usMore

DUO ECG + Digital Stethoscope
FDA-cleared electronic stethoscope + handheld ECG, amplifying heart sounds up to 60X and tracking electrical activity. Visualize heart sound waveform & ECG tracings in real-time, Save & annotate recordings in the secure dashboard. Create a library of heart sounds & ECGs for education or to monitor the progression of a disease More

Kardia Mobile 6 lead ECG
Capture a medical-grade 6-lead ECG in 30 seconds. KardiaMobile 6L delivers EKG leads I, II, III, aVL, aVR, and aVF. All without gels or wires. More
POCKET ULTRASOUNDS: From cardiovascular exams, to FAST (Focused assessment with sonography in trauma) the emergence of pocket sized and increasingly AI enhanced ultrasounds are changing the face of diagnostics in many settings.

Clarius: Wireless handheld ultrasound
Handheld ultrasound scanners with a variety of versions for different clinical applicationsMore

Buttefly IQ : portable ultrasound
Whole Body Pocket Sized Ultrasound Device, For Smartphone Or Tablet.More

Qardio Blood Pressure
Smart blood pressure monitor for iOS & Android, useful at the point of care or by patients to measure, record and share vital signs.More

Omron Complete: BP + EKG
Complete™ is the first blood pressure monitor with EKG capability in a single device. It is an upper arm blood pressure monitor that measures EKG readings using touchpad electrodes located on the top face and both sides of the monitor for easy access. In addition to atrial fibrillation, Complete can also detect tachycardia, bradycardia and sinus rhythm.More

D-EYE Smartphone-Based Retinal Imaging System
D-EYE turns an iPhone into a Digital Direct Ophthalmoscope, capable of recording and transmitting high-definition photos and videos of the fundus oculi for clinical assessment.
The innovative D-EYE system allows regular screenings of the eye, providing information about noticeable eye diseases and capturing images for further evaluation of specific medical conditions. More

EyeNetra – Autorefractor
For mobile eye diagnostics or vision screenings, the handheld NETRA auto-refractor measures sphere, cylinder, axis and pupillary distance through a series of game-like interactions in a virtual-reality environment. Netrometer (Auto-lensometer/Focimeter) and Netropter (Phoropter/Trial Lens kit) are also available.More

Digital Otoscope
See it. Share it. Save it. Offering clear live and still images of the ear canal and tympanic membrane, the Digital MacroView Otoscope is a tool to support the treatment and management of patient’s ear conditions. Visualize conditions like otitis media, share images with family members or other clinicians, and save still images to your patient’s electronic chart or EHR to track progression. A great tool for pediatricians, clinical educators, and anyone who regularly performs otoscopy.More

PanOptic Opthalmoscope
PanOptic Ophthalmoscope addresses the fundamental challenge in ophthalmoscopy—to get a good view of the fundus in order to make a sufficient assessment. Optics make it easy to enter undilated pupils, offering a 25º field of view, resulting in a view of the fundus that’s 5X greater than with a standard ophthalmoscope in an undilated eye. Direct viewing of the fundus through provides images of the retinal changes caused by hypertension, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and papilledema to enable clinicians to make these diagnoses earlier.
Digitally capture, store, and share fundus images by combining with iExaminer More

TytoPro Exam Kit
TytoPro examination kit is designed for daily clinical application. It comes with a customized clinician workflow, headphones for listening to heart and lung sounds, and can be used in the office or remote locations such as schools, clinics, and homes during home care visits.More

MedWand – TeleMedicine
MedWand houses multiple diagnostic tools in a single, handheld device. With a MedWand on the patient’s side, clinicians can conduct remote office visits, and through the real-time collection of multiple vital sign readings and key patient assessments, detect and follow numerous medical conditions.
In addition to the real time remote exams, it can be used by Home Health Care, EMS, Hospice and Palliative care workers, as well as assisted living home monitoring environments.More

EasyOne Air
A flexible spirometry solution designed for healthcare providers. Utilizing TrueFlow™ technology, this portable spirometer delivers reliable results without the need for calibrationMore

MIR Spirobank II Smart Spirometer for iPad
This spirometer measures a wide range of respiratory parameters for versatility and user accommodation. The Spirobank II Smart App provides a virtual assistant to help clinicians before, during, and after spirometry maneuvers.More

Dermalite : Smartphone Dermatoscope
Turns your smartphone or tablet into a digital dermatoscope to enable skin exams and diagnostics.More

Wireless Polarizing Dermatoscope / Dermascope
The DE350 Wireless Polarizing Dermatoscope is a special purpose digital video camera combined with a high magnification polarizing lens and multiple ultra-bright LEDs.
Powered by 15x optical magnification, this device streams high quality live video (at 30fps) to a computer, enabling the user to view and record images or videos.More

Digital Culposcopy- Mobile ODT
EVA COLPO is a portable, Internet-connected, and FDA-cleared colposcope that is as simple to use as a mobile phone. EVA combines advanced hardware with integrated software to serve a variety of clinical needs.More

Lutech Digital Culposcopy
A high tech digital video colposcope that can cut
optical colposcopy exam time in half.More

Olo: Blood Diagnostics
Complete blood count from a fingerprick and two drops of blood
Compact, easy to use, and cost effective in low-volume settings, with 510(k) clearance for use in moderately complex labs.More

Jana Care – Point of Care Lab Testing
Mobile, connected lab platform to enable bio-marker assisted chronic disease management. Paper-based test strips for biomarkers that can be useful for screening. Smartphone integrated diagnostic platform using the Aina device to read paper strips of all kinds. Biomarker data from Aina can deliver personalized care plans to patients through their digital coaching program called Habits.More
Y para terminar Medical Futurist ha sacado una infografía resumen recientemente.