Africa first in mobile health

Why could be Africa be the first in mHealth and Health 4.0?

It is very simple to understand:

1.- Sharing economy is in the genes of the African country and African citizens.

2.- Africa is the fist continent in the world in mMoney and therefore experienced & prepared to move to other require need as it is “health”

3.- Africa is according to WHO the fist continent in density of nurses per inhabitant, and nurses are the essential counterpart to bring Health 4.0.

4.- Reverse Innovation allow to get gagets capabable to be medical devices with enough quality of care for distant health under the DIY model.

5.- Intelligence based Medicine (MIB) will be available using open source Deep Learning and Machine Learning working in the Fog and supported if required over NSX, in Africa or anywhere in the world.

The thing not solve are expenses link to pharmaceutical treatments, but even delivery can be solved with “drones”.


Conference at Campus Africa 2016.